
Snowdrop Walk at Hever Castle 2025

Around 150,000 snowdrop bulbs have been planted in the Gardens over the past few years including a mix of single and double snowdrops, interspersed with some unusual varieties in the Winter Garden such as the yellow tipped ‘Wendy’s Gold’, a giant Galanthus called ‘Colossus’ which at 9 inches is one of the tallest snowdrops you can find and Galanthus ‘Green Brush’ with its unusual green tipped flowers.

Discover the blossoms of camellia, quince, daphnes, hellebores and early daffodils such as ‘Early Sensation’. In the Winter Garden discover a wonderful selection of heathers and dogwoods including Cornus ‘Sanguinea’.

Pricing Information

Activities are included in normal admission prices unless stated otherwise.