
TALK: Pre-Raphaelite Women: Mistresses, Models and Wives at Canterbury Cathedral

TALK: Pre-Raphaelite Women: Mistresses, Models and Wives

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) is well known. But what is the story of the women behind them and on their canvasses?

There were many: Elizabeth Siddal, Fanny Cornforth, Annie Miller, Fanny Waugh, Jane Morris, May Morris, Georgiana Burne-Jones, Maria Zambaco, Christina Rossetti, and Effie Gray to name just some. Many were talented artists in their own right.

Brenda Tate-Lovery, former Open University lecturer and Friend, will reveal to Friends some of the stories behind the names.

£10 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, £15 non-members. Includes tea and coffee.

October 8th 10.30 am

This is a fundraising event for The Friends of Canterbury Cathedral (Registered Charity No 256575).

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Image: ‘Jane Burden’ (Jane Morris), a drawing by artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Credit: National Gallery of Ireland Collection.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Pricing Information

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£10 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, £15 non-members. Includes tea and coffee