To mark 950 years since King Harold took one in the eye and William the Conqueror triumphed, English Heritage has hidden 1,066 arrows at many of its castles and forts, stone circles and stately homes across the country – including Dover Castle, Reculver Towers and St Augustine’s Abbey.
Visitors to English Heritage sites in Kent who find an arrow will win one of 1,066 fantastic prizes including a castle sleepover, a private tour of Stonehenge, and tickets to English Heritage’s re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings in October.
To launch the charity’s 1066 Arrow Hunt, English Heritage today (Thursday 9 June) unveiled a giant arrow at the Battle of Hastings battlefield in East Sussex. That arrow is impossible to miss, the 1,066 hidden arrows – with red feathers and a red tip – are a bit more difficult to spot.
Kate Mavor, English Heritage’s Chief Executive, said: “1066 is the most famous date in English history and the Battle of Hastings was arguably the most important battle in our history, the results of which had consequences for every corner of England.
“We’ve now hidden 1,066 arrows at our sites – big and small – right across the country, including Kent. Find an arrow and you’ll win a fantastic prize. And while you’re looking, you’ll discover the greatest sites in England, where history really happened.”
“We’ve launched the hunt with a giant arrow on the very site where William beat Harold – a dramatic way to represent this turning point in history.”
The 1066 Arrow Hunt is just one part of English Heritage’s programme – ‘1066: Year of the Normans’ – to mark the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest this year.
In July, English Heritage will open up the roof of the Great Gatehouse of William the Conqueror’s abbey – founded on the battlefield where King Harold died – giving visitors a whole new perspective on the Battle of Hastings.
And at the end of September, English Heritage will re-create the march of King Harold’s army from Yorkshire where Harold defeated an invading Norwegian force to the town of Battle and his decisive encounter with the Normans on 14 October 1066.
English Heritage’s 1066 Arrow Hunt begins today (Thursday 9 June) and continues until all the arrows have been found.
For more details, including the full list of sites taking part and how many arrows remain to be found, visit
Found one? Share your arrow on twitter, instagram or the English Heritage facebook page. #arrowhunt