
Scruff Grins and Bears it as the Dentist calls at Kent Wildlife Park

We’re all familiar with the notion of a bear with a sore head. But a bear with a toothache is something everyone would want to avoid. That’s why keepers at Wildwood Trust in Kent pulled out all the stops to make sure one of their much-adored brown bears got his dental check-up this June.

Scruff, who was rescued by Wildwood six years ago, was paid a visit by leading animal dentistry expert, Peter Kortez, for his first dental examination since arriving at the park, near Canterbury, six years ago.

Weighing in at around 600 pounds, the 23-year-old Eurasian bear was put under anaesthesia for the appointment on Friday 11th June and ended up having root canal surgery on four canine teeth.

His appointment comes just under a year after his brother Fluff, underwent extensive dental treatment, including three root canals after malnutrition in his early years caused the poor condition of his teeth.

 Wildwood’s Director of Zoo Operations Mark Habben said:

 “Scruff and Fluff really suffered in their formative years so we’re determined to make sure they have the very best treatment. We’re taking all the preventative measures we can when it comes to ensuring their good health and wellbeing and are delighted to have had Peter Kortez visit. “Scruff can now go back to enjoying his healthy lifestyle here with us.

Fluff and Scruff lived the first 15 years of their lives under appalling conditions in a canned hunting facility in Bulgaria, before being rescued in 2014 and brought to Wildwood Trust.

They now live in a custom-built home which encourages their natural behaviour, enabling them to forage, play and even have a dip in their pool, perfect in the hot weather Kent has recently enjoyed!

Fluff and Scruff can be seen in their woodland home at Wildwood Trust. To find out more and to book please visit: Visitor Bookings – Kent | Wildwood Group