Faversham charity, Brogdale Collections, has announced a series of open days to allow visitors access to its heritage orchards to pick and learn about heritage fruit.
The Heritage Orchard Days will be taking place over weekends in September and October and will include the opportunity to harvest a wonderful variety of heritage and rare apples. There will also be juice pressing and tastings; a display of some of their 2200 fruit varieties and the chance to enjoy a beautiful tour or self-guided walk through the orchards.
Sara Smile, operations manager at Brogdale Collections, says: “We’re holding these days to enable visitors to enjoy a lovely day in our orchards including the opportunity to harvest their own heritage fruit. The orchards are beautiful this time of year with trees bursting with apples, pears and plums in a wonderful variety of shapes, sizes and colours.”
“By taking part, people are also helping protect these unique orchards for years to come. Income from ticket sales will be used to fund the orchards’ maintenance and upkeep.”
The Heritage Orchard Days are taking place 25, 26 September & 16,17 October 2021. Pre-booking via via Brogdale Collection’s website is essential www.brogdalecollections.org.
Half Term Juicing Days at Brogdale
Brogdale Collections in Faversham is holding juicing activity days during October half term. Families will have the opportunity to explore the beautiful orchards, learn about apples, how they grow and how juice is made.
Visitors will pick heritage apples and fruits from the orchards and use them to make their very own juice. There will be plenty of opportunities to taste the different fruits and visitors can even take away their favourite apples to enjoy at home.
Brogdale is home to the National Fruit Collections with over 2,200 varieties of apples, cherries, pears and plums and is a great place to enjoy a day outdoors and learn all about fruit.
Juicing Days are taking place on 25th, 26th and 27th October, tickets from £7.50 for an adult and child. See Brogdale’s website for more information.