Our new REsult! The Sapper in Sport exhibition has now opened, showcasing the current
sportsmen and sportswomen of the Corps, their triumphs and motivations, and how they
are continuing their legacy of sporting greatness in the colours of the Corps of the Royal
Engineers. The Royal Engineers have a long sporting history, from the founding of the Royal
Engineers Yacht Club in 1846 and the FA Cup glory of a 2-0 win against the Old Etonians in
1875, to modern successes at the Paralympic and Invictus Games.
Since before the First World War, the Royal Engineers have had a reputation for sporting excellence,
recognising that the playing of sports is vital to success as a Corps and as individuals. Sport, both individual
and team based, improves physical fitness and mental strength, and promotes the teamwork and
competitive nature that supports the Royal Engineers as an efficient unit.
Past members of the Corps played rugby for Scotland, won tennis singles championships in England, and
played hockey at the Olympics, and today they have rowed across the Atlantic, appeared in the Rugby World
Cup, been named British Skydiver of the year and received MBEs for services to military sport.
Even through the trials of the First and Second World Wars, deployment to the Falklands, Iraq and
Afghanistan, the Corps continues to play at the highest level, in Regimental, Army and Inter-Service
Championships. Opportunities are always available for men and women to train, coach and grow.